Budget vs. Actuals

Was spending higher or lower than initially thought?

In the figure, all budget articles are visible as dots (scroll over the spheres for the name). If more was spent than originally budgeted, the dot is above the line. If less was spent than originally budgeted, the dot is below the line. If expenditure was higher than budgeted, for example by compensation for wage and price adjustment, the budget will be adjusted over the course of the year and the so-called supplementary budget laws that are offered to the Lower House.

Explanation visual

  • In this overview, each budget chapter has its own color.
  • Each budget has multiple articles (dots).
  • To facilitate searching, individual ministries can be turned on and off in the legend.
  • You can also turn off all (button 'deselect all') and choose one ministry.
  • Per budget article (dot), the budget expenditure is shown compared to what was budgeted in the draft budget.
  • Zooming in and out can be done via the scroll wheel.
