Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Onttrekking GSF |
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€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Eurostars |
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€ 4.821 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Groeifaciliteit |
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€ 8.000 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Garantiefaciliteit Scheepsnieuwbouw-financiering (GSF) |
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€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Rijksoctrooiwet |
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€ 35.099 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Diverse receipts |
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€ 2.831 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
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€ 33.000 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Garantie Ondernemersfinanciering (GO) |
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€ 13.000 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Luchtvaartkredietregeling |
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€ 9.046 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Joint Strike Fighter |
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€ 3.750 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Revenue |
Onttrekking begrotingsreserve Groeifaciliteit |
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€ 0 |