Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue BMKB € 37.316
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Groeifaciliteit € 5.510
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering (GO) € 9.132
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Garantiefaciliteit Scheepsnieuwbouwfinanciering (GSF) € 178
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Onttrekking reserve GSF € 10.136
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue MKB Financiering € 41
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Luchtvaartkredietregeling € 13.507
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Rijksoctrooiwet € 40.260
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Eurostars € 1.629
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Joint Strike Fighter € 2.009
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship Revenue Revenue Diverse receipts € 14.383