
Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Grensbewaking - € 6.100
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Kustwacht - € 35.402
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Kustwacht en grensbewaking - € 0
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Recherchecapaciteit - € 15.698
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Rechterlijke macht - € 4.353
Judicial Power / Co-operation Coast Guard Contribution to other budget chapters Technische Bijstand Waarborgfunctie - € 0