Issuing legal sanctions

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Preventive measures Contribution to departmental agencies Dienst Justis - € 12.225
Preventive measures Guarantee Faillissementscuratoren - € 703
Preventive measures Contract Kansspelbeleid - € 1.085
Preventive measures Contract Overig preventieve maatregelen - € 4.067
Preventive measures Subsidies Preventie bedrijfsleven - € 5.800
Preventive measures Subsidies Integriteit - € 1.050
Preventive measures Subsidies Centrum voor Criminnaliteitsbestrijding en Veiligheid (CCV) - € 1.602
Preventive measures Subsidies Overig preventieve maatregelen - € 2.960
Victim support Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Commissie Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven (SGM) - € 5.321
Victim support Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Slachtofferhulp Nederland (SHN) - € 34.043
Victim support Contract Victim support - € 8.200
Victim support Contract Opdrachten Schadefonds Geweldsmisdrijven (SGM) - € 15.360
Victim support Subsidies Stichting Slachtoffer in Beeld (SiB) - € 601
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to departmental agencies DJI-gevangeniswezen-regulier - € 1.128.774
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to departmental agencies DJI-Forensische zorg - € 757.607
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to departmental agencies DJI-Vreemdelingenbewaring en uitzetcentra - € 99.209
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to departmental agencies CJIB - € 88.649
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Reclassering Nederland - € 125.362
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Leger des Heils - € 21.025
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Stichting Verslavingsreclassering GGZ Nederland (SVG) - € 62.885
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) CAK - € 2.700
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contract Forensische zorg - € 5.997
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contract Vrijwilligerswerk gedetineerden - € 3.200
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contract Uitvoeringskosten ketenregie tenuitvoerlegging - € 18.486
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Contract Overig Tenuitvoerlegging strafrechtelijke sancties en vreemdelingenbewaring - € 9.169
Implementation of criminal sanctions and custody of aliens Subsidies 24 uurs nazorg gedetineerden - € 0