Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
UNEP, FAO en overige contributies |
- |
€ 8.672 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
- |
€ 129.706 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Bijdrage RVO |
- |
€ 138.053 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Dienst Landelijk Gebied |
- |
€ 0 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Rederij |
- |
€ 7.035 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to other budget chapters |
Animal Health Fund |
- |
€ 3.972 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
College Toelating Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en Biociden |
- |
€ 1.037 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Centrale Commissie Dierproeven |
- |
€ 817 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek |
- |
€ 75.816 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Zon/Mw (dierproeven) |
- |
€ 1.880 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Medebewind en overige voormalige publieke PBO-taken |
- |
€ 7.333 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Guarantee |
Bijdrage borgstellingsreserve |
- |
€ 3.000 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Guarantee |
Verliesdeclaraties borgstellingsfaciliteit |
- |
€ 17.000 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Guarantee |
Garantstelling Marktintroductie Innovaties |
- |
€ 2.500 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Agrarisch ondernemerschap |
- |
€ 2.364 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Duurzame veehouderij |
- |
€ 5.610 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Plantaardige productie |
- |
€ 1.739 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Agrarische innovatie |
- |
€ 500 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Mestbeleid |
- |
€ 10.640 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Visserij |
- |
€ 1.180 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Voedselveiligheid- en kwaliteit |
- |
€ 4.917 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Plantgezondheid |
- |
€ 2.362 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Diergezondheid en dierenwelzijn |
- |
€ 10.104 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Kennisontwikkeling en innovatie |
- |
€ 91.742 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Contract |
Voedselzekerheid en internationaal en Europees landbouwbeleid |
- |
€ 3.745 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Agrarisch ondernemerschap |
- |
€ 11.138 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Duurzame veehouderij |
- |
€ 7.483 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Plantaardige productie |
- |
€ 15.526 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Agrarische innovatie |
- |
€ 2.997 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Visserij |
- |
€ 7.483 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Diergezondheid en dierenwelzijn |
- |
€ 2.008 |
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains |
Subsidies |
Apurement |
- |
€ 7.269 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
€ 1 |