Integration and social cohesion

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Integration and social cohesion Income transfer Remigratieregeling - € 41.463
Integration and social cohesion Income transfer Inburgering en integratie - € 0
Integration and social cohesion Subsidies Kennisinfrastructuur - € 3.240
Integration and social cohesion Integration and social cohesion LOM - € 0
Integration and social cohesion Integration and social cohesion Vluchtingenwerk - € 1.032
Integration and social cohesion Integration and social cohesion Overige subsidies - € 1.668
Integration and social cohesion Contract Programma inburgering - € 19.064
Integration and social cohesion Contract Remigratie - € 1.700
Integration and social cohesion Contribution to departmental agencies DUO - € 9.300
Integration and social cohesion Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) COA - € 28.266
Integration and social cohesion Loans DUO - € 38.545