Safety and combating crime

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff Eigen Personeel - € 331.064
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff Externe inhuur - € 26.172
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff Overige personele uitgaven - € 2.416
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment waarvan ICT - € 27.436
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment waarvan bijdragen aan SSO's - € 17.977
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment Miscellaneous - € 56.049
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities RIEC's/LIEC - € 7.513
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities Uitstapprogramma's prostituees - € 1.736
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities Overig bestuur, informatie en technologie - € 1.422
Management, information and technology Subsidies CCV - € 3.069
Management, information and technology Subsidies Keurmerk Veilig Ondernemen - € 818
Management, information and technology Subsidies Uitstapprogramma's prostituees - € 1.230
Management, information and technology Subsidies Overig bestuur, informatie en technologie - € 994
Management, information and technology Contract Overig bestuur, informatie en technologie - € 1.070
Detection and prosecution Contribution to departmental agencies Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) - € 63.824
Detection and prosecution Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) College gerechtelijk deskundigen - € 1.591
Detection and prosecution Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties PV-vergoedingen Bestuurlijke strafbeschikking - € 0
Detection and prosecution Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties BES Staatkundige hervorming Nederlandse antillen (shna) - € 4.705
Detection and prosecution Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Overig opsporing en vervolging - € 4.200
Detection and prosecution Subsidies Overig opsporing en vervolging - € 3.510
Detection and prosecution Contract Schadeloosstellingen - € 20.045
Detection and prosecution Contract Keten Informatie Management (KIM) - € 0
Detection and prosecution Contract Onrechtmatige Detentie - € 11.211
Detection and prosecution Contract Herontwerp Strafrechtketen - € 0
Detection and prosecution Contract Gerechtskosten - € 28.397
Detection and prosecution Contract Innovatieagenda - € 0
Detection and prosecution Contract Verkeershandhaving OM - € 31.026
Detection and prosecution Contract Afpakken - € 12.252
Detection and prosecution Contract bewaring, verkoop en vernietiging IBG goederen - € 11.713
Detection and prosecution Contract Overig opsporing en vervolging - € 1.205