Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Contributies internationaal ondernemen |
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€ 5.670 |
Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen |
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€ 2.976 |
Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen |
Contract |
waarvan beleidsondersteuning internationaal ondernemen (non-ODA) |
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€ 2.794 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Starters International Business (SIB)/ Programma Strategische Beurzen (non-ODA) |
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€ 5.200 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Partners for International Business (PIB) (non-ODA) |
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€ 8.000 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Sport en OS |
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€ 1.100 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Demontratieprojecten, haalbaarheidsstudies en investeringsstudies (DHI) (non-ODA) |
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€ 6.000 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (non-ODA) |
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€ 20.643 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
Overig Programmatische Aanpak |
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€ 500 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Subsidies |
PSO/2g@there |
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€ 500 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Loans |
Finance for International Business (FIB) |
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€ 900 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland |
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€ 28.000 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Versterking economische functie (NBSO's via RVO) |
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€ 5.927 |
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation |
Miscellaneous |
Miscellaneous |
Miscellaneous |
€ 5.897 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Transitiefaciliteit |
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€ 168 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Marktontwikkeling in het kader van private sector development |
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€ 51.251 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Wet en regelgeving |
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€ 5.000 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Financiele sectorontwikkeling |
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€ 26.338 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
versterking privaat ondernemerschap |
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€ 26.260 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Infrastructuurontwikkeling |
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€ 106.942 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Samenwerking bedrijfsleven en PPP's |
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€ 24.900 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Bedrijfsleveninstrumentarium |
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€ 2.794 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Subsidies |
Technische assistentie DGGF |
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€ 10.800 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
International Labour Organization |
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€ 5.217 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Partnershipprogramma ILO |
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€ 5.000 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Landenprogramma's ondernemingsklimaat |
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€ 13.000 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Bedrijfsmatige technische bijstand |
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€ 1.709 |
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries |
Contribution to departmental agencies |
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland |
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€ 15.000 |
Dutch Good Growth Fund : intensivering van ontwikkelingsrelevante investeringen in en handel met ontwikkelingslanden door het Nederlandse en het lokale bedrijfsleven, met de focus op het MKB en bij uitzondering en onder condities grootbedrijf |
Subsidies |
programma's Dutch Good Growth Fund |
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€ 108.500 |