
Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Jeugdhulp Jeugdhulp € 21.108
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Jeugdhulp Jeugdhulp € 6.205
Effective and efficient working youth system Contribution to departmental agencies Miscellaneous Miscellaneous € 1.277
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Kennis, beleidsinformatie en kindermishandeling Kennis, beleidsinformatie en kindermishandeling € 18.924
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Kennis, beleidsinformatie en kindermishandeling Kennis, beleidsinformatie en kindermishandeling € 2.223
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Miscellaneous Miscellaneous € 533
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Participation Participation € 1.447
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Transitie jeugd Transitie jeugd € 19.303
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Transitie jeugd Transitie jeugd € 0
Effective and efficient working youth system Contribution to other budget chapters Miscellaneous Miscellaneous € 208
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Schippersinternaten Schippersinternaten € 18.907