Safety and combating crime

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff waarvan eigen personeel - € 361.427
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff waarvan inhuur externen - € 24.896
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Staff waarvan overige personele uitgaven - € 1.968
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment waarvan ICT - € 9.717
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment waarvan bijdrage aan SSO's - € 42.226
Organisational expenses Public Prosecution Service Equipment waarvan overige materiele uitgaven - € 58.237
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities Regionale Informatie en Expertise Centra - € 7.378
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities Uitstapprogramma's prostituees - € 1.503
Management, information and technology Contribution to subnational authorities Overige bijdragen medeoverheden - € 915
Management, information and technology Subsidies Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid - € 3.751
Management, information and technology Subsidies Keurmerk Veilig Ondernemen - € 731
Management, information and technology Subsidies Uitstapprogramma's prostituees - € 1.500
Management, information and technology Subsidies Veiligheid Kleine Bedrijven - € 243
Management, information and technology Subsidies Overige subsidies - € 1.028
Management, information and technology Contract Overige opdrachten - € 166
Detection and prosecution Bijdrage aan agentschappen Nederlands Forensisch Instituut - € 69.434
Detection and prosecution Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Nationaal Register Gerechtelijk Deskundigen - € 0
Detection and prosecution Contribution to subnational authorities BES Staatkundige hervorming Nederlandse Antillen - € 4.624
Detection and prosecution Contribution to subnational authorities FIU.Nederland - € 4.755
Detection and prosecution Contribution to subnational authorities Aanpak ondermijning - € 2.890
Detection and prosecution Contribution to subnational authorities Overige bijdragen medeoverheden - € 9.721
Detection and prosecution Subsidies Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid (CCV) - € 669
Detection and prosecution Subsidies Overige subsidies - € 2.338
Detection and prosecution Contract Schadeloosstellingen - € 17.928
Detection and prosecution Contract Keten Informatie Management - € 3.900
Detection and prosecution Contract Onrechtmatige Detentie - € 9.849
Detection and prosecution Contract Gerechtskosten - € 28.855
Detection and prosecution Contract Restituties ontvangsten voorgaande jaren - € 0
Detection and prosecution Contract Verkeershandhaving OM - € 25.337
Detection and prosecution Contract Afpakken - € 10.655
Detection and prosecution Contract Bewaring, verkoop en vernietiging inbeslaggenomen voorwerpen - € 13.047
Detection and prosecution Contract Overige opdrachten - € 274
Detection and prosecution Guarantee Faillissementscuratoren - € 744
Prosecution and trial of MH17 suspects Prosecution and trial of MH17 suspects Prosecution and trial of MH17 suspects - € 9.025