Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
- |
€ 36.375 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Storting reserve BMKB |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Groeifaciliteit |
- |
€ 8.972 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Storting reserve Groeifaciliteit |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering (GO) |
- |
€ 11.745 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Storting reserve GO |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Garanties MKB Financiering |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Guarantee |
Storting reserve Garanties MKB Financiering |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Lucht- en Ruimtevaart |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
MKB-Innovatiestimulering Topsectoren (MIT) |
- |
€ 34.747 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Eurostars |
- |
€ 17.958 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Bevorderen Ondernemerschap |
- |
€ 14.301 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Groene Groei en Biobased Economy |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Cofinanciering EFRO, inclusief INTERREG |
- |
€ 27.464 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Bijdrage aan ROM's |
- |
€ 5.507 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Verduurzaming industrie |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Subsidies |
Overige subsidies |
- |
€ 2.442 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Onderzoek en opdrachten |
- |
€ 3.898 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Caribbean Netherlands |
- |
€ 1.237 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
ICT beleid |
- |
€ 5.871 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Regeldruk |
- |
€ 2.206 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Mainport Rotterdam |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Regiekosten regionale functie |
- |
€ 650 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Invest-NL in opbouw |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Cybersecurity |
- |
€ 3.216 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contract |
Small Business Innovation Research |
- |
€ 2.500 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdrage aan agentschappen |
Bijdrage |
- |
€ 78.499 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdrage aan agentschappen |
Bijdrage Agentschap Telecom |
- |
€ 1.949 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdrage aan agentschappen |
Bijdrage Logius |
- |
€ 887 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdrage aan agentschappen |
Invest-NL in opbouw |
- |
€ 12.764 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Bijdrage aan TNO |
- |
€ 152.551 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Kamer van Koophandel |
- |
€ 120.821 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Bijdrage aan NWO-TTW |
- |
€ 23.437 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Contribution to subnational authorities |
Sterke Regio's en Nota Ruimte |
- |
€ 0 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Internationaal Innoveren |
- |
€ 41.336 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
PPS-toeslag (voorheen TKI-toeslag) |
- |
€ 142.950 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
TO2 (Deltares, MARIN en NLR) |
- |
€ 45.355 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Topsectoren overig |
- |
€ 7.285 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Ruimtevaart (ESA) |
- |
€ 68.610 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Bijdrage NBTC |
- |
€ 8.860 |
Innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship |
Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties |
Bijdragen organisaties |
- |
€ 5.575 |