Integration and social cohesion

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Integration and social cohesion Income transfer REMIGRATIEREGELING - € 42.975
Integration and social cohesion Income transfer INBURGERING - € 0
Integration and social cohesion Subsidies KENNISINFRASTRUCTUUR - € 2.736
Integration and social cohesion Subsidies LANDELIJK OVERLEG MINDERHEDEN - € 0
Integration and social cohesion Subsidies VLUCHTELINGENWERK - € 1.032
Integration and social cohesion Subsidies OVERIGE SUBSIDIES - € 8.220
Integration and social cohesion Contract INBURGERING EN INTEGRATIE - € 15.021
Integration and social cohesion Contract REMIGRATIE - € 1.700
Integration and social cohesion Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) COA - € 23.709
Integration and social cohesion Bijdrage aan agentschappen DUO - € 20.071
Integration and social cohesion Contribution to subnational authorities GEMEENTEN - € 39.020
Integration and social cohesion Loans DUO - € 157.540