Curative care

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Quality and safety Subsidies IKNL en NKI - € 54.323
Quality and safety Subsidies Zwangerschap en geboorte - € 3.104
Quality and safety Subsidies Registratie en uitwisseling zorggegevens (PALGA) - € 3.712
Quality and safety Subsidies Ontsluiten patiëntgegevens ziekenhuizen - € 28.844
Quality and safety Subsidies Stimuleren E health en versterken inzet ICT GGZ - € 39.074
Quality and safety Subsidies Nederlandse transplantatie stichting - € 7.500
Quality and safety Subsidies Orgaandonatie en transplantatie - € 4.413
Quality and safety Subsidies Expertisefunctie zintuigelijk gehandicapten - € 0
Quality and safety Subsidies Antibioticaresistentie - € 15.100
Quality and safety Subsidies Basisondersteuning Research Prinses Maxima Centrum - € 4.114
Quality and safety Subsidies Digitale landelijke gegevensuitwisseling in de geboortezorg - € 4.500
Quality and safety Subsidies Hoofdlijnenakkoord MSZ - € 13.000
Quality and safety Subsidies Hoofdlijnenakkoord GGZ - € 5.000
Quality and safety Subsidies Hoofdlijnenakkoord Huisartsenzorg - € 18.000
Quality and safety Subsidies Hoofdlijnenakkoord Wijkverpleging - € 2.800
Quality and safety Subsidies Miscellaneous - € 12.511
Quality and safety Contract Publiekscampagne orgaandonatie - € 10.000
Quality and safety Contract Miscellaneous - € 5.020
Quality and safety Bijdrage aan agentschappen aCBG - € 0
Quality and safety Bijdrage aan agentschappen CIBG: Donorregister - € 3.040
Quality and safety Bijdrage aan agentschappen Miscellaneous - € 5.716
Quality and safety Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Miscellaneous - € 1.792
Quality and safety Contribution to subnational authorities Miscellaneous - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Sluitende aanpak personen met verward gedrag - € 17.581
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Eerstelijns gezondheidscentra in VINEX-gebieden - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Stimuleringsprogramma competentieontwikkeling openbaar apothekers - € 2.888
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Vertrouwenspersoon in de ggz - € 6.686
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Suïcidepreventie - € 9.056
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Subsidieregeling Borstvergroting transgenders - € 4.200
Accessibility and affordability of care Subsidies Miscellaneous - € 11.974
Accessibility and affordability of care Funding Rijksbijdrage Zorgverzekeringsfonds voor financiering van verzekerden 18- - € 2.749.100
Accessibility and affordability of care Funding Rijksbijdrage dempen premie ten gevolgen van HLZ - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Funding Zorg illegalen en andere onverzekerbare vreemdelingen - € 38.615
Accessibility and affordability of care Contract Kwaliteit, veiligheid, doelmatigheid hulpmiddelen - € 900
Accessibility and affordability of care Contract Tolkenvoorziening huisartsen - statushouders - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Contract Pilot Inbedding Psychosociale zorg bij somatische aandoeningen - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Contract Implementatie wet verplichte GGZ - € 5.437
Accessibility and affordability of care Contract Miscellaneous - € 7.971
Accessibility and affordability of care Bijdrage aan agentschappen CIBG: WPG/GVS/APG - € 2.739
Accessibility and affordability of care Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) ZonMW: gepast gebruik genees- en hulpmiddelen - € 0
Accessibility and affordability of care Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Miscellaneous - € 971
Support of the system Subsidies Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Zorgverzekeringen - € 1.270
Support of the system Subsidies Overgang integrale tarieven medisch-specialistische zorg - € 32.727
Support of the system Subsidies Miscellaneous - € 275
Support of the system Funding Afwikkeling algemene kas ZFW - € 0
Support of the system Income transfer Overgangsregeling FLO/VUT ouderenregeling ambulancepersoneel - € 17.570
Support of the system Income transfer Schadevergoeding Erasmus MC - € 0
Support of the system Income transfer Miscellaneous - € 126
Support of the system Contract Risicoverevening - € 1.954
Support of the system Contract Uitvoering zorgverzekeringstelsel - € 915
Support of the system Contract Miscellaneous - € 2.137
Support of the system Bijdrage aan agentschappen CJIB: Onverzekerden en wanbetalers - € 15.595
Support of the system Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) SVB: Onverzekerden - € 3.781
Support of the system Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Miscellaneous - € 1.475
Support of the system Bijdrage aan andere begrotingshoofdstukken VenJ: Bijdrage C2000 - € 81
Health insurance act Health insurance law financed by insurance premiums - - € 50.359.800