
Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Kennis en informatiebeleid - € 6.825
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Jeugdbeleid - € 60.749
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies Jeugdstelsel - € 18.285
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Kennis en informatiebeleid - € 1.652
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Jeugdbeleid - € 6.714
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Jeugdstelsel - € 0
Effective and efficient working youth system Bijdrage aan agentschappen Miscellaneous - € 1.331
Effective and efficient working youth system Bijdrage aan andere begrotingshoofdstukken Miscellaneous - € 217