Higher Education |
Funding |
Bekostiging onderwijsdeel |
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€ 3.261.390 |
Higher Education |
Funding |
Bekostiging ontwerp en ontwikkeling |
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€ 87.882 |
Higher Education |
Funding |
Studievoorschot kwaliteitsafspraken |
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€ 246.091 |
Higher Education |
Funding |
Studievoorschotvouchers |
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€ 245 |
Higher Education |
Funding |
Bekostiging flexibel hoger onderwijs voor volwassenen |
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€ 7.761 |
Higher Education |
Subsidies (regelingen) |
Tegemoetkoming 2e lerarenopleiding |
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€ 2.500 |
Higher Education |
Subsidies (regelingen) |
Overige subsidies |
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€ 802 |
Higher Education |
Bijdrage aan agentschappen |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs |
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€ 13.174 |
Higher Education |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
NWO: Praktijkgericht onderzoek |
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€ 54.213 |
Higher Education |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
NWO: Promotiebeurs voor leraren |
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€ 10.144 |
Higher Education |
Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) |
Nederland-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO) |
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€ 4.476 |