
Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Counteract climate change Contract - - € 2.681
Counteract climate change Subsidies - - € 992
Counteract climate change Contribution to departmental agencies - waarvan bijdrage aan KNMI - € 809
Counteract climate change Contribution to departmental agencies - Waarvan bijdrage aan RWS - € 2.691
Counteract climate change Contribution to departmental agencies - Waarvan bijdrage aan Nea - € 8.017
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - RIVM - € 0
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - AgNL - € 0
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - Overige opdrachten - € 0
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - RVO - € 0
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - Interreg - € 108
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contract - Overige opdrachten - € 3.206
International policy, coordination and cooperation Subsidies - Interreg - € 638
International policy, coordination and cooperation Subsidies - Overige subsidies - € 800
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan RIVM - € 33.194
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan RWS - € 338
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan AgNL - € 0
International policy, coordination and cooperation Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan RVO - € 9.492
International policy, coordination and cooperation Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties - - € 9.040