Safety, environmental and health hazards

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Safety chemicals Contract - - € 3.976
Safety chemicals Subsidies - NANoREG - € 1.100
Safety chemicals Subsidies - Overige subsidies - € 336
Safety chemicals Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan RWS - € 1.330
Safety chemicals Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties - - € 0
Safety biotechnology Contract - - € 1.621
Safety biotechnology Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties - - € 0
Safety of companies and transport Contract - Omgevingsveiligheid - € 868
Safety of companies and transport Contract - Uitvoering veiligheid inrichtingen en basisnetten - € 345
Safety of companies and transport Contract - Overige opdrachten - € 2.235
Safety of companies and transport Subsidies - Asbest en safety deals - € 15.196
Safety of companies and transport Subsidies - Overige subsidies - € 1.977
Safety of companies and transport Contribution to departmental agencies -waarvan bijdrage aan RWS - € 2.629
Safety of companies and transport Contribution to subnational authorities - Bijdragen asbestsanering - € 0
Safety of companies and transport Contribution to subnational authorities - Bijdragen programma Externe Veiligheid - € 60
Safety of companies and transport Contribution to subnational authorities - Overige bijdrage aan medeoverheden - € 0
Safety of companies and transport Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties - - € 0
Safety of companies and transport Income transfer - - € 2.990