Fund for the future

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Fund for the future Loans Co-investment venture capital instrument/EIF - € 0
Fund for the future Loans Smart Industry - € 0
Fund for the future Subsidies Smart Industry - € 324
Fund for the future Loans Onco Research - € 615
Fund for the future Loans Smart Industry - € 644
Fund for the future Subsidies Haalbaarheidsstudies TO2 innovatieve starters - € 1.536
Fund for the future Loans Fundamenteel en toegepast onderzoek - € 2.802
Fund for the future Bijdrage aan agentschappen Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - € 7.887
Fund for the future Loans Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappijen - € 8.835
Fund for the future Loans Vroege fasefinanciering - € 10.303
Fund for the future Loans Risicokapitaal (Seed capital regeling) - € 21.535
Fund for the future Loans Dutch Venture Initiative/Fund of Funds - € 28.500
Fund for the future Loans Innovatiekrediet - € 41.208