Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Visserij - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Storting begrotingsreserve landbouw - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Guarantee Garantstelling Marktintroductie Innovaties (GMI) - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan agentschappen Dienst Landelijk gebied - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Centrale Commissie Dierproeven - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Zon/Mw dierproeven - € 0
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Visserij - € 271
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Onverdeeld ZBO's - € 1.204
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Agrarisch ondernemerschap - € 1.227
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Guarantee Verliesdeclaraties borgstellingsfaciliteit - € 1.312
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Europees Fonds voor Maritieme Zaken en Visserij - € 1.729
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Storting begrotingsreserve apurement - € 1.782
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Duurzame veehouderij - € 2.333
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Voedselzekerheid en internationaal en Europees landbouwbeleid - € 2.413
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Guarantee Bijdrage borgstellingsreserve - € 2.592
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Mestbeleid - € 2.744
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) CTGB - € 2.856
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Duurzame veehouderij - € 2.883
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Plantaardige productie - € 3.275
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Storting begrotingsreserve Visserij - € 3.333
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Plantgezondheid - € 4.103
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan andere begrotingshoofdstukken DGF - € 4.387
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Agrarisch ondernemerschap - € 5.821
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan agentschappen bate RIVM - € 7.232
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Integraal voedselbeleid - € 7.456
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Diergezondheid en dierenwelzijn - € 7.482
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan agentschappen bate Rijksrederij - € 7.570
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties bijdrage Intern.organisaties - € 8.333
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Apurement - € 8.881
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Plantaardige productie - € 8.927
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contract Kennisontwikkeling en (agrarische) innovatie - € 10.817
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Wageningen Research - € 91.502
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Subsidies Kennisontwikkeling en (agrarische) innovatie - € 100.749
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan agentschappen Bijdrage NVWA - € 177.446
Competitive, sustainable and secure agriculture, fishery and food chains Bijdrage aan agentschappen Bijdrage - € 180.756