Counterterrorism and national safety policy

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
National security and counter terrorism Bijdrage aan agentschappen Overige bijdragen agentschappen - € 110
National security and counter terrorism Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Instituut Fysieke Veiligheid - € 30.361
National security and counter terrorism Bijdrage aan medeoverheden Brede Doeluitkering Rampenbestrijding - € 184.037
National security and counter terrorism Bijdrage aan medeoverheden Overige bijdragen medeoverheden - € 5.549
National security and counter terrorism Subsidies (regelingen) Nederlands Rode Kruis - € 12
National security and counter terrorism Subsidies (regelingen) Nationaal Veiligheids Instituut - € 981
National security and counter terrorism Subsidies (regelingen) Overige subsidies - € 3.657
National security and counter terrorism Contract Project NL-Alert - € 4.254
National security and counter terrorism Contract NCSC - € 5.724
National security and counter terrorism Contract Terrorismebestrijding - € 0
National security and counter terrorism Contract Overige opdrachten - € 7.302
Dutch Safety Board Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Dutch Safety Board - € 13.746