
Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Schippersinternaten - € 16.937
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Kennis en beleidsinformatie - € 12.531
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Kindermishandeling - € 7.702
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Transitie jeugd - € 5.991
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Zorg voor jeugd - € 39.121
Effective and efficient working youth system Subsidies (regelingen) Miscellaneous - € 2.558
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Kennis en beleidsinformatie - € 1.382
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Kindermishandeling - € 1.513
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Zorg voor jeugd - € 1.954
Effective and efficient working youth system Contract Miscellaneous - € 0
Effective and efficient working youth system Bijdrage aan agentschappen Miscellaneous - € 13
Effective and efficient working youth system Bijdrage aan (andere) begrotingshoofdstukken - - € 0
Effective and efficient working youth system Bijdrage aan (andere) begrotingshoofdstukken Miscellaneous - € 0