Sustainable trade and investment

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Contributies internationaal ondernemen - € 5.670
Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen - € 2.306
Versterkt internationaal handelssysteem, met aandacht voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen Contract waarvan beleidsondersteuning internationaal ondernemen - € 2.719
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies Starters International Business (SIB)/ Programma Strategische Beurzen - € 5.940
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies Partners for International Business (PIB) - € 11.732
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies Financieringsfaciliteit/Demontratieprojecten, haalbaarheidsstudies en investeringsstudies (DHI) - € 15.000
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies Package4growth non-ODA - € 0
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies Overig Programmatische Aanpak - € 2.500
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Subsidies PSO/2g@there - € 2.500
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Loans Finance for International Business (FIB) - € 1.000
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Contribution to departmental agencies Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - € 26.000
Reinforced Dutch Trading and Investment position and economic reputation Contribution to departmental agencies Versterking economische functie (NBSO's via RVO) - € 5.927
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Transitiefaciliteit - € 500
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Marktontwikkeling in het kader van private sector development - € 53.890
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Wet en regelgeving - € 9.070
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Financiele sectorontwikkeling - € 27.961
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies versterking privaat ondernemerschap - € 67.284
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Infrastructuurontwikkeling - € 99.803
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Samenwerking bedrijfsleven en PPP's - € 7.400
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Bedrijfsleveninstrumentarium - € 6.382
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Subsidies Technische assistentie DGGF - € 11.900
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties International Labour Organization - € 5.217
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Partnershipprogramma ILO - € 5.000
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties International Finance Corporation - € 2.628
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Landenprogramma's ondernemingsklimaat - € 13.700
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Bijdragen aan (inter-)nationale organisaties Bedrijfsmatige technische bijstand - € 1.709
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Contribution to departmental agencies Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - € 35.000
Strengthened private sector and improved investment climate in developing countries Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous € 3.449
Dutch Good Growth Fund : intensivering van ontwikkelingsrelevante investeringen in en handel met ontwikkelingslanden door het Nederlandse en het lokale bedrijfsleven, met de focus op het MKB en bij uitzondering en onder condities grootbedrijf Subsidies programma's Dutch Good Growth Fund - € 150.000