Long-term care and support

Beleidsmatige clustering Financial instrument Breakdown financial instrument Nadere omschrijving B tabel Amount (x1.000)
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Subsidies (regelingen) Toegang tot zorg en ondersteuning - € 13.780
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Subsidies (regelingen) Passende zorg en levensbrede ondersteuning - € 23.448
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Subsidies (regelingen) Inclusieve samenleving - € 6.236
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Subsidies (regelingen) Kennis en informatiebeleid - € 10.974
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Subsidies (regelingen) Miscellaneous - € 1.815
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Bovenregionaal gehandicaptenvervoer - € 61.204
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Toegang tot zorg en ondersteuning - € 1.780
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Passende zorg en levensbrede ondersteuning - € 3.005
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Inclusiviteit - € 5.076
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Kennis, informatie en innovatiebeleid - € 1.525
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Aanbesteden Sociaal Domein - € 3.495
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contract Miscellaneous - € 9.686
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Bijdrage aan agentschappen Miscellaneous - € 4.300
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Miscellaneous - € 13.714
Participation and self-reliance of people with disabilities Storting/onttrekking begrotingsreserve Stimulerings regeling wonen en zorg - € 29.108
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Subsidies (regelingen) Zorg merkbaar beter maken - € 84.254
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Subsidies (regelingen) Kennis, informatie en innovatiebeleid - € 41.013
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Subsidies (regelingen) Palliatieve zorg en ondersteuning - € 43.322
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Contract Zorgdragen voor langdurige zorg - € 18.132
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Bijdrage aan agentschappen Miscellaneous - € 0
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Uitvoeringskosten Sociale Verzekerings Bank - € 32.296
Ensuring long-term care against socially acceptable costs Contribution to non-departmental agencies (ZBOs/RWTs) Uitvoeringskosten Centrum Indicatiestelling Zorg - € 91.753
Long-term care and support Premiegefinancieerde Wet Langdurige Zorg - - € 27.617.000